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Important Customer Notice

Release date: 3/17/2020

At approximately 7:10 AM this morning, the New York City Police Department responded to reports of a mentally unstable individual who was loitering outside the Brooklyn Branch's entrance.  The area was cleaned and disinfected prior to branch opening. No bank services have been impacted or compromised. This appears to be random and isolated incident and we thank the New York City Police Department for their immediate response and assistance.


在03/17/2019早上大约7点10分纽约市警察局接获报案,一名精神不稳定的人士在布鲁克林八大道分行网点的入口外面游荡。分行在营业前已经对其区域进行清洁和消毒。其他银行的服务并没有受到这事件的影响。 这事件似乎是一件单独的事件,在此我们感谢纽约市警察局的迅速响应和帮助。
